My name is Ebby Gilliard, I’m from Norman, Oklahoma and I’m a
DIEHARD Trans-Am lover. I’m e-mailing you to ask a question that I’m
pretty sure that you’re tired of being asked ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Is there ANY truth to the
rumor that there’s an upcoming 2007 Trans-Am coming out?
I just have to know! As SOON as I was able to afford my own car, I bought
a 1996 Firebird Formula, that I just adored! A U-Haul hit me going 50 mph,so
I had to get rid of her. But my husband bought me a Trans-Am WS-6 2002
for my birthday, andย he loved it so much he had to get one for himself!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
So please, if there’s any truth that you know about, let me know! Thank you so much!